#14 January notes
The first month of the year is behind us, and with February comes the first monthly notes of this year.
Traditionally, we will tell you what we have achieved in the past 31 days.
And you will also learn what you can look forward to in the following ones.
At the beginning of the year, we are all a bit more prone to setting too high or illogical goals, which later lead us into trouble - that's why we brought you a webinar and ebook called Don't burn it.
In them, we looked at how to plan sustainably, taking into account one's own needs.
You can download the Ebook Don't burn it here
As a good journalist, you certainly know how important it is.
We will continue creating valuable content on the topic of self-development in February.
You can look forward to another inspiring webinar and ebook.
We will also introduce you to a new program with the Journal method.
That is, emails with exercises from the Journal for all Journalists and Non-Journalists.
And we also have a few surprises regarding new products.
We will tell you more soon ;)
The first notes of this year are at the end.
Don't forget to let us know how you liked them.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for you with new challenges waiting for you!
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