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Čo priniesol január? Zmenu vízie i prvý digitálny Žurnál

What did January bring? Change of vision and the first digital Journal

Čo priniesol január? Zmenu vízie i prvý digitálny Žurnál

What did January bring? Change of vision and the first digital Journal

It has been over two years since you received regular monthly reports from us . And we are very pleased that you still enjoy it - the average opening rate of over 50% says it all. Thank you for be...

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Špeciálne Októbrovo-novembrové zápisky: Nová edícia diárov, útulne i knižná novinka pre milovníkov hôr

Special October-November notebooks: New edition of diaries, cozy and book novelty for mountain lovers

A lot has happened recently. The final quarter is difficult in itself, and when unexpected complications and changes are added to it, diaries are bursting at the seams under the weight of responsi...

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Čo priniesol september? Dobrý trh, knihu pre malých turistov i otvorenie útulne

What did September bring? A good market, a book for small tourists and the opening of a cozy restaurant

We believe that even after the third quarter, you don't let go of your annual or half-yearly goals like the leaves on the branches. 🍂 The dry weather also tests our zest for life, but every time we...

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Čo priniesol august? Nový zápisník, prekvapenie pre študentov i stretnutie tímu na Liptove

What did August bring? A new notebook, a surprise for students and a team meeting in Liptov

If only summer had more days, right? There are never enough pleasant sunny moments, but we believe that you will not mourn them too much, because you used them to the fullest. Our summer was also ...

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Čo priniesol júl? Ebook o mentálnom resete, Žurnál šablóny i príjemné stretnutie

What did July bring? Ebook about mental reset, Journal templates and a pleasant meeting

Half of the summer is behind us, and along with it, several introduced novelties and an exceptional meeting with you, dear Journalists. Well, it wouldn't be us if we didn't share everything with y...

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Čo priniesol Jún? Pribudli Žurnál balíky, knihy i Žurnály pre firmy

What did June bring? Added Journal packages, books and Journals for companies

The long-awaited summer is finally here. Time to forget everything related to work or school for a while and relax completely. Or are there still tasks on your desk that you have to complete? ...

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#17 Májové zápisky

#17 May notes

May has traditionally meant big news for us. In addition to the arrival of the new edition of Journals, we were also faced with fundamental decisions. How did we finally crack them and what can yo...

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#16 Aprílové zápisky

#16 April notes

The so-called "crazy" April in our country did not live up to its reputation. He brought several changes and a lot of work on... well, I can't tell you everything at the beginning. Enjoy our regul...

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#15 Marcové zápisky

#15 March notes

It's the last day of March. And new monthly notes come with it. The situation with our eastern neighbor still does not allow us to enjoy our work as much as we would like, but we believe that our ...

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#15 Februárové zápisky

#15 February notes

Our traditional monthly notes will be different this time. The previous month brought sad news from our eastern neighbor, for which no one was prepared. And talking about what we have achieved...

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