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Koľko nás reálne stojí doprava?

How much does shipping really cost us?

Koľko nás reálne stojí doprava?

How much does shipping really cost us?

I'm a millennial and shop online almost every day. But there's one thing I really hate. High shipping costs. It frustrates me when I make an order for 25 euros and have to pay another seven. I f...

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madebythe: zápisky, október, blog

#1 October notes

I believe you have had a "negative" weekend. Do you know what time it is? Monday. "Eighth day" between Sunday and Monday. Monday creates space for self-reflection. 🤔 Today's Monday is special beca...

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Ako vzniká Žurnál: Príbeh od podania rúk až po balenie

How the Journal is created: The story from handshake to packaging

In a place where no one would expect it, right in the heart of Brno's brownfield, in the area of ​​the former Moravská Typografie, we are opening massive metal doors. We leave behind us the hust...

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11 kníh, ktoré nás inšpirovali pri vzniku Žurnálu

11 books that inspired us to create the Journal

I remember the period when the first Journal was created. A million notes, papers all over the room, multiple workshops and discussions. We just knew. that we don't want to build the whole metho...

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Pridaj sa do komunity Žurnálistov!

Join the Journalist community!

There are already over 1,000 of us in the group of journalists. A thousand people are determined to work on themselves. Accept challenges and progress. We really appreciate that we also have y...

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Ako vznikali knižné Poustre?

How were the book Poustras created?

You know how every business book says you shouldn't mix things up? Supposedly Keep it simple stupid. This is mostly good advice. But this is not the case with our products. And not at all with the ...

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The Fusakle

Popular Slovak brands joined forces and created The Fusakle

Slovakia has beautiful nature. But while walking in the mountains, a threatening sight appears. Missing forests. Reckless mining. Calamity. It is possible that our children will only see preserv...

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