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The Magazine - Shoproku 2019

Help us become the Shop of 2019

Three years ago, we decided to create a diary that could rival the best in terms of quality. And it will get better with every release.

The reward for value-based business, honest, local products and a fair approach to you is a community of more than 7000 satisfied Journalists.

Also thanks to this, more than 97% of our customers left a positive review on the pages of Heureka , the largest business comparator in Central Europe.

The Journal Heureka

Every year, Heureka announces the Shoprok 2019 award.

This year we decided to participate in this prestigious competition.

You too can help us win this award.

The Journal - Shoproku 2019 Eureka

How can I vote?

You can vote in the Popularity Award from 2 December 2019 to 28 February 2020.

Just fill out a simple form - LINK with the name of our e-shop The Journal, send and confirm your vote by clicking on the link sent to your e-mail.

You only need to fill in the 1st place, if you don't have another favorite e-shop :)

The Journal - Shoproku 2019 Eureka Thank you for your vote and trust!
Journalists 🙌