Article: #102: Resources for further study on effective planning

#102: Resources for further study on effective planning
We didn't just invent our method out of thin air. Behind it lies a lot of honest work, original research and professional literature over the course of three years. In the beginning, certainly not with the aim of creating our own diary, rather to solve our own problems. However, we believe that sharing is caring .
Continuous education
We believe that The Journal method will bring a system into your life that you can adapt to your own needs. Quality planning should not tire a person, on the contrary, it motivates performance and helps in the realization of our dreams.
But we haven't eaten all the wisdom in the world. Not to mention that there is always room to learn more and grow. Before we decided to include something in the Journal, we tried it ourselves and tested it with users. The journal is therefore a diary built on data. That's why we wanted to add some recommendations to the Journal, where you can find inspiration, interesting information and other methods and tips that will help you. And it wasn't really easy to choose just a few.
We've read dozens of books, listened to dozens of hours of podcasts, and studied countless blogs. We want to share the best of them with you in this article. Just be careful not to get dizzy from the amount! :)
11 books that should definitely not be missing from your library
- Stephen Covey : 7 Habits of Really Effective People - a complete gro of self-development literature
- David Allen : Getting everything done - About the basics of the GTD method
- Leo Babauta : Zen and done - About how minimalism and productivity go together
- Gary Keller : One Thing - About the importance of focusing on one thing
- Charles Duhigg : The power of habit - About routine
- Petr Ludwig : The end of procrastination - Czech book with global reach
- Bill Burnett : Designer of your own life - A different view of our life areas
- Cal Newport : So Good You Won't Be Missed - On Why Not Follow Your Passion
- Seth Godin : Kick the crate - How to finally get moving and get something going
- Carol Dweck : Mindset - About growth mindset and how to work with it
- Tim Ferriss : The Four Hour Work Week - About how to work less and more efficiently
Slovak and Czech blogs on this topic
Do you have a favorite resource that you keep coming back to? Share your favorites in the comments or let other Journalists know about them on Facebook . We look forward to your tips!