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004: Low Tatras – Milan Pleva

Sale price80 €

A unique high mountain adventure trampled by thousands of wandering feet. The ridge of the Low Tatras, one of the most beautiful classics of our Slovak mountains.

Almost 100 km long ridge, of the wild red route connecting Telgárt with Donoval, which is bordered by the picturesque valleys of Váh and Hrona. By crossing it, you will take away magical sunrises, immortal storks from cozy houses, but also your plump body with high mountain elevation.

Every single piece of the route will remind you of the graphics on the clear pause. You can frame it together with a line drawing of a ridge by Milan Pleva. Or split them into two graphics. It's up to you.


By selling our Poustrov, we have so far collected more than 30,000 euros for OZ My sme les, OZ Nosičský dom, Klub slovenských turistov, LZ VLK, OZ Pre Dolina and SHS JAMES. We continue on.

Together with Hikemates, we are changing the approach to the construction of tourist shelters . Sparingly, with as little negative impact on the environment as possible. And with regard to our history and traditions. We are glad that with your help we will create new spaces for the connection of man with nature. Available to all.


Graphic author: Milan Pleva

Print run: 210 limited edition, where each piece has its number marked on the back. There will be no reprint.

Printing technique: screen printing. Each piece is original.

Date of printing: 06/2020

Format: A3 (420 mm x 297 mm)

Background paper: Woodstock weight 225g with 80% recycled fibers and 20% pure pulp fibers without elemental chlorine and an interesting structure. FSC of course. It does not shrink, the color does not fade for at least 50 years. Supplier: Fedrigoni.

Eraser: Golden Star K 200g from ECF pulp. FSC of course. Supplier: Fedrigoni.

Packaging: In a cardboard box. The frame with the passpart is not part of the package.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Katarina Belicova
Priesvitnost folie cislo 2

Vas obraz mame v nasej predajni Active Planet a sice Nizke Tatry a fatra
nevedeli sme sa popasovat ako to cele naistalovat kedze sme neocakavali ze vrchna folia /pauzak/ bude tak nepriehladny ramoval sme to nakonices ako 2 obrazy a s tym aby si mohol zakaznik prilozit vrchnu foliu ak by mal zaujem realne vidiet hreben vrchnu fliu este teda cakame a obrazy su krasne.dakujeme a tesime sa n dalsie

Katarina Belicova
Priesvitnost fólie číslo 2

Dobrý deň,

v našej predajni Active Planet máme obraz Nízke Tatry a Fatra. Nevedeli sme, ako to celé nainštalovať, keďže sme nečakali, že vrchná fólia (pauzák) bude tak nepriehľadná. Nakoniec sme to zaramovali ako dva obrazy, aby si zákazník mohol vrchnú fóliu priložiť, ak by mal záujem reálne vidieť hrebeň. Na vrchnú fóliu ešte stále čakáme, ale obrazy sú krásne. Ďakujeme a tešíme sa na ďalšie spolupráce.