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030: High Tatras - Tina Minor

Sale price80 €

According to many, you can enjoy the most beautiful panorama of the High Tatras from the top of Kráľová hola. And that's exactly how Slovak illustrator Tina Minor, who already has Pieniny and Téry's cottage on her account, captured it.

Together with Czech Switzerland, it is the first Poustr graphics that are made in width. Some views are simply a shame to narrow down :)

We present this Poustr symbolically to the anniversary of the Gentle Revolution, which ended the communist regime in Czechoslovakia after 40 years. Do you know the two heroes who contributed to the creation of the first Czechoslovakia?


As is our custom, by buying Poustra you are helping a good cause. This time we are together with Hikemates decided to donate 4 euros from each piece sold from the special Czechoslovak collection directly to the initiatives of the Forest Protection Group VLK - Everything for Nothing and the Rainbow Movement - Save the Forests , which take care of the most valuable things we have at home. Our forests.


Graphic author: Tina Minor

Print run: 210 limited edition, where each piece has its number marked on the back. There will be no reprint.

Printing technique: screen printing. Each piece is original.

Date of printing: 10/2020

Format: A3 (420 mm x 297 mm)

Paper: Woodstock weight 225g with 80% recycled fibers and 20% pure pulp fibers without elemental chlorine and an interesting structure. FSC of course. It does not shrink, the color does not fade for at least 50 years. Supplier: Fedrigoni.

Packaging: In a cardboard box. The frame with the passpart is not part of the package.

Upcycling program: Don't have anything to do with the box? Carefully unpack the Poustr and bring it to us at the next event and we will use it again. As a reward, you will receive one of the sold-out prints in reduced A5 format. And that's completely free. Follow our social networks for more info.

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Customer Reviews

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Skvelá komunikácia

I keď bol pouster už vypredaný, predsa sa po kompletnej inventúre našiel ešte jeden. Madebythe: veľmi pekne ďakujem za osobný prístup ku objednávke. Dodanie bolo rýchle a bezproblémové. Veľmi odporúčam.


Milujem Tatry a táto grafika ma neskutočne potešila. Nádherné farby, vizuál a zakomponovanie historických postáv. Ako každý jeden Pouster aj tento je jedinečný a som šťastná že ho mám:)

Lubica Stanek
Uplne zbytocny nazov

Dobry den,
Dakujem za vas zaujem, tato grafika sa mi Velmi paci. Uplne na vsak sokovalo, ze sucastou grafiky je taky nevhodny a nie velmi vydareny narocne Vysoke Tatry. Pri kupe mi
ani nenapdadlo, ze sucastou obrazu je aj tento napis - moja chyba, bol sucastou obrazku na webe samozrejme.
Z mojho pohladu je to uplne zbytocne, je to banalny nazov, ktory zo zaujimavej grafickej prace robi takpovediac stranku z kalendara.

Ak predpokladam spravne a tieto graficke diela maju vyssiu hodnotu ako Zachovane stranky
Z kalendara, doporucovala by som ich do buducna vynechat.

Je mozne, ze nadvazujete na nejaku graficku tradiciu, ktoru nepoznam, alebo mate ine dovody pre tento krok...

V kazdom pripade zelam vela dobrych napadov a uspechov do buduceho roka.

Lubica Stanek