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The new edition of Journals is around the corner, help us make room for them

We are cleaning the warehouse

We have restocked the most popular book of the year

Discover the stories of Tatra cottages

We are a slow publisher

We capture and support ideas worthy of the future

Honestly. Locally. Craftsmanship

Responsibility towards nature and future generations, honesty, craftsmanship and sustainability are rooted in our DNA. We lead by example. In products and responsible growth.

Get to know our values

Responsibly sourced materials

From the moment the scented paper arrives to us until we wrap your product in sustainable packaging. We think of only one thing - that you get an honest product.

Learn more about ethical sourcing

Support of value projects

We want to make life better in Slovakia. Our mission is to help people realize their potential. Activate them to help communities. And change their point of view.

Get to know our story