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Article: Visual thinking

Žurnál: Skečovník, vizuálne myslenie, otvorená hra

Visual thinking

We all think visually - some more, some less.

But what is the point of it and what can we practically do about it?

Let's go over it in a nice order.

We learn new things all our lives. Some will be learned immediately and others will take a lot of time. If we define together that learning means getting new information into our archive - the brain - then even a business meeting, a business meeting or a simple conversation with a friend can be a moment of learning.

The interesting thing is that it is not as difficult for our brain to receive information as it is to remember it. So the key is to support the process of acquiring new information so that we can remember it when we need it.

Our brain uses several mechanisms for this. Let's try one of them:

What did you learn on your last vacation?

After this question, the following is probably going through your head:

  • You mention where you actually were.
  • Images of what it looked like there will pop into your head - one or two moments from your vacation.
  • These moments are probably connected with some emotion.
  • If I ask you how the vacation was in general, will your answer be associated with this emotion and these moments?
  • Subsequently, other memories will come to you - again visually. What did it look like there?
  • By now you should already be "deep" in your "archive" and name some information - realizations that you gained thanks to the vacation.

We usually record our learning (experiences) visually - for example, a wedding photo album or a perfect selfie on Facebook.

So why not visually record a lecture or a work meeting? Visual notes greatly increase our ability to remember the content because:

  • we like it - that is, we have an emotion attached to the facts;
  • while drawing them, we connect both hemispheres
  • … and we actively listen to the content,
  • ... over which we then think about how to visualize it.

In addition, visualizing our thoughts is a huge relief for the mind - we don't have to keep the thoughts in our head, but see them in front of us. Thanks to this, visual thinking is also a perfect tool for creative processes - planning or coming up with new ideas.

So what? Shall we go together?

Start with the first chapter of Sketchbook and discover your visual thinking ;)

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We're still working on this tutorial ;) Come back later or see the others.

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Žurnál: Skečovník, značky, značkovník, skečnoting, vizuálne myslenie, otvorená hra

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