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My future self

My future self

In our search for a meaningful existence, we often face deep questions about what our purpose in life is. Although great achievements and career ambitions have their own charm, we find true fulfil...

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Premýšľaš nad terapiou alebo koučingom? Tu je pár rád ako začať

Are you thinking about therapy or coaching? Here are some tips to get you started

How many of you see a therapist? I do. Until recently, I told myself that I wasn't dealing with deep problems and that I didn't need therapy. But when my therapist and I brought ...

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Knihy o rodičovstve, ktoré ti zmenia pohľad na výchovu

Books about parenting that will change your perspective on education

Parenting is a wild ride full of unexpected twists and turns. Our children grow and change at lightning speed and we struggle to keep up. You can feel lost and clueless in the flood of conflic...

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#06: The 2 day rule - What is it and why should you use it?

As you know, we regularly monitor satisfaction with individual sections. And Mesačnica has always been one of the more successful ones. Until you started mentioning to us that its effect decreases...

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#08: Daily overview: How to make the most of it?

Linear, drawn, scribbled or neat - your regular day planning is primarily meant to serve you and help you become the master/mistress of your time. However, we have prepared some advice that will h...

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#07: Monday: The day between Sunday and Monday

"If only there were more hours in the week!" many of us say to ourselves, and maybe you have said it too. We listened to your wishes and added an eighth day (well, at least on paper). A day betwee...

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#05: Moonlight: Think about the path to your goals

The end of the month is like a small New Year: it is a great opportunity to reflect on the previous month and to set goals for the upcoming one. It will help you to work persistently on your lon...

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#04: Midterm: How to turn your plans into reality

After the initial exercises, it should be clearer to you who you are and where you want to go. A clear vision is key. Now let's see what you should focus on for the next 6 months. Your dreams, des...

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#04: Ročnica: Bližšie k svojim cieľom

#04: Yearbook: Closer to your goals

After preparing the Ten Years and the Five Years, the task is simple. What will you focus on in the coming year to get closer to my vision? When filling out the annual plan, you should base it on y...

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#03: Five-year plan: How to start working on your vision?

Undoubtedly, an interesting journey awaits you - and every good hero should have a clear goal on his journey. So that you can imagine it better, we have prepared a Five-Year Plan for you, in which ...

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