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Neplánovali sme to, ale prehovorili ste nás. Predstavujeme ti 4. vydanie našej knižnej prvotiny.

We didn't plan it, but you talked us into it. We present to you the 4th edition of our first book.

Neplánovali sme to, ale prehovorili ste nás. Predstavujeme ti 4. vydanie našej knižnej prvotiny.

We didn't plan it, but you talked us into it. We present to you the 4th edition of our first book.

We were pleasantly surprised by the huge interest in our first book 🏔️ TAM HORE. And when we announced after the sale of the last issue that we were not planning any more, we were flooded with...

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Predstavujeme ti novú definíciu 🔻Žurnálu

We present you a new definition of 🔻Journal

As you probably know, we are working on several projects. And we've noticed for some time that many of you are a bit confused by this: "What is madebythe:? What is a Journal? Are you a publi...

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ŽURNÁL OSLAVUJE 7 ROKOV: Pomôž nám začať novú éru

THE MAGAZINE CELEBRATES 7 YEARS: Help us start a new era

The most awaited day for every Journalist is here. We're happy, we're nervous, and we're wondering what you have to say. We have prepared a number of novelties that will make journaling even...

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Začíname písať novú kapitolu. Ostáva už len 24 hodín

We are starting to write a new chapter. Only 24 hours left

Today it will be a smaller memory :) Our journey began on October 24, 2016 in the Skøg cafe in Brno. We wanted to create an honest product that would solve our own problems. Well, we ha...

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Septebrové zápisky: Jesenná upratéka a ďalší skvelý Dobrý trh

September notes: Autumn cleaning and another great Good Market

Have you also managed to get tangled in a spider's web? Autumn has recently started for us, but we are still enjoying the last glimpses of summer weather. 😊 It's great that in this period ...

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Zásadné vyhlásenie: Odchádzame do 🇨🇿

Important statement: We are leaving for 🇨🇿

Don't worry, we didn't decide to emigrate because of concerns about the outcome of the elections in Slovakia. We are coming to the Czech Republic with the Book of Untold Stories of Tatra Huts:...

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Čo priniesol August? Spríjemnili sme vám návrat do školy a potešili všetkých cestovateľov

What did August bring? We made your return to school more pleasant and made all travelers happy

Are you also a little sad about the end of the summer, or are you disappointed with the level of pre-election discussions?   We hope to improve your mood at least a little in the next few min...

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7 tipov, ako si vylepšiť leto vďaka plánovaniu
plánovanie a produktivita

7 tips to make your summer better with planning

Are you also wondering whether or not to plan during the summer? It's perfectly okay to take a break from planning. A few weeks of maximum spontaneity sometimes come in handy. But don't forget...

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Čo priniesol júl? Otestovali sme novú útulňu a doskladnili kultové versatilky

What did July bring? We tested the new shelter and restocked the iconic versatiles

Half of the summer is irretrievably behind us. I hope you enjoyed it to the fullest. And that the remaining weeks will be even better. ☀️ For us, July was a sign of honest rest, pleasant mee...

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Polročné zápisky 2/2: Na čo sa môžeš tešiť v blízkej dobe?

Half-yearly notes 2/2: What can you look forward to in the near future?

Have you already read the first part of our special half-yearly notes? We shared with you the most important milestones during the first half of the year. And today we want to reveal to you what...

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